There are no bad dogs, only untapped potential!
What is concept training and why should we teach concepts? Learn how concept training promotes good dog behavior.
Find out how this myth originated and why understanding its inaccuracy is crucial to successfully train your dog.
Learn about common causes for disobedience and how your perspective influences your dogs behavior.
Learn new ways to meet your dogs' needs for physical and mental exercise and their importance.
Find out why confidence and optimism are key for overcoming all behaviors rooted in fear.
Learn about canine body language and the importance of subtle signs.
How to avoid dangerous ingredients and discern quality food from the rest for your dog or puppy.
Tips for proper, safe, and effective socialization for dogs of any age.
Learn about key concepts for overcoming common puppy struggles and building great habits.
Learn the proper methods and approaches to training your dog to tolerate and not fear maintenance care.
Learn more about Thanksgiving foods that are dangerous for dogs.
Happy Howl-O-Ween from Wholehearted Canine! Check out Micah’s safety tips to keep your dogs happy and safe this Halloween!
Click below to provide background information about your dog, then call or email to schedule your dog’s evaluation!
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